September 21, 2023 4 min read

Being in college isn't all about the books – it's a stage of student growth and awareness.

There are many ways to exercise the body and mind while studying in school. However, surfing is one of the best activities to engage in aside classes.

The reason is simple: training on a board isn't just a source of entertainment or recreation.

It offers several health benefits for university students. Aside from helping you stay fit in college, the sport sharpens the mind and brain – it's a whole therapy.

Combining Surfing with Studying Tips

Try to get professional help when you don't have enough time for studying or essay writing assignments. With a ‘college essay writing service’ request on PapersOwl platform, where various professional writers are available to assist. It helps you focus on learning how to surf while all your student's duty is done..

a man with a surfboard on a beach

While it's true that training helps improve mental and physical well-being as a young adult, surfing for beginners takes time. However, the good news is that you don't have to sacrifice your grades for surfing. 

Health Benefits of Surfing

By combining the therapeutic effects of the ocean with the physical activities involved, surfing is loaded with several advantages. 

The health benefits of college surfing include the following:

  • Increased awareness of nature

  • Generally, people who ride the waves tend to be more aware of marine ecosystems. Spending time on the ocean regularly keeps anyone agreeing with nature. College students who surf appreciate the ocean more, whether they are studying marine-related courses. Hence, surfers have a deeper understanding of how different activities affect the ocean. 

    They see the need to adopt more sustainable practices to protect marine systems. Reading about the impacts of unsustainable practices is significantly different from experiencing it directly. When more individuals are willing to adopt sustainable practices, they engage in campaigns to protect the ecosystem. Furthermore, they influence others to adopt sustainable lifestyles.

  • Enhanced heart health

  • As a student, you can hardly run out of exercise to keep fit physically. Yet, many people forget about heart health while working towards toned abs and taut muscles. Training is one of the best ways to enhance heart health. While low-stress levels and proper feeding help keep the heart healthy, surfing also helps improve its condition.

    You may have heard before that moderate to high-intensity exercise for thirty minutes five days a week is good for the heart. Well, riding the waves is an excellent way to achieve it instead of studying all day. While training, you'll engage in activities like paddling, climbing on board, and falling off. Although these activities aren't challenging, they directly affect the heart.

  • Mindfulness practice

  • Mindfulness is a timeless activity that focuses on everything that is happening in your immediate environment. This practice helps you increase your attention span, minimize stress, and let go of unhealthy habits. If you've tried to practice mindfulness but haven't been able to do it, surfing is the best bet.

    One of the famous surfing tips for beginners is to focus. It helps you anticipate any wave and stay balanced. While focusing, you're mindful of what's happening around you. Although you're not sitting on a yoga mat in your room, it is a way to practice mindfulness and reap its benefits.

  • Stronger muscles

  • Most teenagers don't like hitting the gym. They only do it to get toned, stronger muscles. Knowing that you can exercise your muscles by riding the waves amazes you. When you do it regularly, they become stronger, as if you were working out at the gym. It's like getting great grades without studying or writing assignments. You barely feel discomfort – the air and ocean make it an enjoyable and thrilling experience. However, you'll feel some post-workout soreness, especially in the first days as a beginner.

  • Better coordination and balance

  • As you grow older, you tend to lose balance and coordination. It explains why older people are more vulnerable to falling and, consequently, getting injured. To reduce the chances of losing balance later, improving it now is essential. College-going surfers have higher chances of being better coordinated and balanced later in life.

    You increase your balance and coordination as you learn to remain on a board while heading into a wave. Practicing balance and coordination skills helps you get used to it after school.

  • Better sense of belonging

  • One of the problems of not exercising in college is missing out on the opportunity to socialize with others outside the classroom. It's impossible to head to the water without meeting several other enthusiasts. It increases your sense of belonging as you meet others who share a love for the ocean.

    coordination and balance of surfer
  • Increased confidence level

  • When exploring the open waves on a board, you care less about how others see you.

    This form of self-confidence transcends all aspects of students' life.

    While you feel conscious of skills as a beginner, you'll meet several university pupils concentrating on their skills and nothing else. It helps you feel less watched and more confident. Increased confidence means the studying is done out of optimism, not the fear of failure.

    Final Words

    Having understood the different benefits of catching waves, you might wonder how to become a surfer. It's just like other college assignments. All you have to do is put your mind to it and commit the time. That is why you may need help with essay writing projects, so your academic performance will remain excellent. While studying for high grades and writing assignments, college students' fitness remains vital.

    The best part of surfing is that it's not as tiresome as gym workouts. Furthermore, getting all the healthy benefits of it requires consistency. Riding the waves regularly for three weeks offers more benefits than one day per week for four weeks.

    Author - Olivia Poglianich
    Olivia Poglianich          

    Content Strategist

    Olivia Poglianich is a nomadic brand strategist and copywriter in the surf, watersports and outdoor adventure space who has worked with brands such as Visa, Disney and Grey Goose. Her writing has taken her all over the world, from a Serbian music festival to a Malaysian art and culture event. Olivia is a graduate of Cornell University and is often writing or reading about travel, hospitality, the start-up ecosystem or career coaching. Her latest interests are at the intersection of web3 and communal living, both on and offline.

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