Why Wear a Hat at the Beach?

June 14, 2022 3 min read

A hat at the beach is a great accessory to keep your hair and face shaded from the sun. Whether it is a fedora, boater, visor, or baseball cap, a hat can take you from the beach to the street seamlessly. Some hats even feature grommets and chains to make them stand out from the crowd. And whether you're at the beach or going to a fancy restaurant, you'll want to look chic with a straw hat.

Practical Reasons to Wear a Hat at the Beach

Wearing a hat while at the beach is an easy way to protect yourself from the damaging effects of the sun's UV rays. Not only will you stay cooler, but a hat will also help protect your eyes from the sun's glare. Hats also look good and go with most outfits. Here are some practical reasons to wear a hat at the beach this summer:

Sunscreen can make your skin dry and brittle, so choosing a hat made from tightly woven fabric is an excellent choice. Broad brimmed hats will protect your face and neck from the sun's UV rays while allowing air to circulate. A hat with a shorter brim will look more stylish, so it's best to opt for a hat that has a shorter brim. If you're not going to reapply your sunscreen regularly, a seven inch brim is the perfect size.

Styles of Hats

There are many styles of hats for the beach. Some people opt for a straw hat while others opt for a baseball cap. No matter what your preference is, the right hat can make a huge difference to your beach outfit. Read on for a few tips to choose the perfect hat for your beach trip. Here are some of the most common styles to consider:

The bucket hat is a versatile accessory, offering both sun protection against rain. Originally known as the Irish walking hat, these hats are now worn by fishermen and farmers for protection against the elements. They've also been featured in mainstream media, including on Gilligan Island. Rihanna featured the style in her "Work" music video. The bucket hat provides practical shade while looking fantastic.

Materials That Block UV Rays

The ultraviolet (UV) light is invisible to the human eye, and is responsible for sunburn, suntan, and skin cancer. It also makes objects fluoresce and attracts butterflies to flowers. Focused UV light can be used in surgical and machine applications to make precise cuts. UV-blocking materials can be made from a variety of materials, including transparent glass, which looks clear but is opaque.

Metal Oxides Such as CeO2 are Also UV-Blocking Materials.

Fabrics woven from dense materials such as cotton are generally more protective than loose-woven fabrics like cotton or linen. Though these fabrics feel heavy in hot weather, they are also lightweight and highly breathable. In addition, they can help control body temperature in warmer climates. However, linen can wrinkle easily. And some fabrics have a loose weave, making them less suitable for everyday use. Depending on how much you want to protect yourself from the sun, cotton or linen may be the best choice.

Styles That Transition From the Beach to the Street

There are many different kinds of clothes that you can wear to the beach. Surf-skate clothing, for instance, is made up of baggy pants, sneakers, and hoodies. These outfits are usually comfortable, functional, and loose. Swimwear is also a popular category of clothing, encompassing fashionable outfits for all shapes and sizes. Whether you're heading to the beach or heading out for the night, choosing versatile outfits will help you transition seamlessly from the beach to the street. The best swimwear brands create timeless beach styles for all sizes and shapes.

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